
Management Support Service

Annual 360° management support for companies in the pre-establishment or post-establishment stage of incorporation.  

Our professional Management Support Service (MSS), is ideal for clients seeking consultation and guidance throughout a broad range of business areas. MSS support is handled by our experienced and specialist staff members who offer comprehensive consultation and assistance on a broad range of business areas and offers a 24-hour telephone service for urgent assistance. Value-added features include notifications for license expiration dates, reservation arrangements for expatriate personnel, and priority seats to our training sessions and seminars. Included in this package, are services to assist your business in the following areas: 

Management Support Services

Expatriate Work & Stay Permits

  • New/renewal/revision/revocation for Work and Stay Permit (index 312/313/314/317) applications;

  • Business Visa (index 211A/211B/D212).

BKPM License

Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal) is the main authorized institution to regulate investment plans and issue initial business licenses. Our service includes an assistant for registering and managing the BKPM license as follows:

  • Online Single Submission (OSS) registration and management;

  • Business Registration Number (NIB – Nomor Induk Berusaha);

  • Branch Office;

  • Business Expansion;

  • Office Relocation.

Corporate law

In compliance with mandatory corporate law, our service covers the following:

  • Notarial Deed arrangement or amendment;

  • Article of Association arrangement or amendment;

  • Arrangement of Notarial Deed or Circular Resolution for Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS/EGMS)

  • Board of Director/Commissioner reappointment;

  • Capital Increment;

  • Certificate of Company Shares.

Governmental Mandatory Reports

To avoid reporting delays and sanctions, we are sure to provide the following mandatory documents to the authority before the expiry date:

  • Investment Activity Report (Laporan Kegiatan Penanaman Modal – LKPM);

  • Compulsory Company Report (Wajib Lapor Perusahaan Perda No. 6);

  • Compulsory Manpower Report (Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan UU No. 7);

  • Expatriate Placement Report (Laporan Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing)

Company Regulation

Guidance documentation for company operation, in keeping with the Law of Manpower No. 13/2003. JAC will provide comprehensive consultation and services to facilitate your company’s written regulations. This includes the process of drafting, review, registration, and submission of your Company Regulations to the Ministry of Manpower

Employment Agreement

Applicable for both permanent and temporary employment, we will prepare the draft and facilitate the submission process to the Ministry of Manpower.

Other HR Document Support​

The MSS package includes additional support for businesses seeking assistance with documentation for a wide variety of other HR-related purposes. 

  • Mutation/Promotion/Demotion Letter templates;

  • Disciplinary Actions Letter templates;

  • Offer Letter templates;

  • Reference Letter templates;

  • Mutual Agreement/Termination Letter templates.

Inspection Support​

JAC Consulting provides comprehensive government inspection assistance services to support you in ensuring such processes run smoothly.

Our Inspection Support Service includes essential administrative and compliance support in keeping all business-related documentation fully updated. 

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