
Other Business Consultancy

Inspection Support

JAC Consulting provides comprehensive government inspection assistance services to support you in ensuring such processes run smoothly.

Our Inspection Support Service includes essential administrative and compliance support in keeping all business-related documentation fully updated. 

Government Mandatory Report

To avoid the risk of delay and resulting penalties involved in producing mandatory governmental business reports, we can assist you in the creation of essential documents as outlined below: 

  • Investment Activity Report (Laporan Kegiatan Penanaman Modal – LKPM); 

  • Compulsory Company Report (Wajib Lapor Perusahaan Perda No. 6); 

  • Compulsory Manpower Report (Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan UU No. 7); 

  • Expatriate Placement Report (Laporan Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing) 

Corporate Law​

​When doing business in an overseas company, careful adherence to the local law is essential in maintaining smooth business operations. In a country like Indonesia, where local laws can change from time to time, it is recommended to seek professional consultation in order to avoid any future issues in this regard. JAC’s legal consultation services can fully support your business in the following areas: 

  • Amendment of Article of Association (AoA); 

  • Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS); 

  • Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS); 

  • Certificate of Company Shares.


  • Market Research;

  • Business matching;

  • Appointment & Attendant Services.

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