
Translation & Interpretation Services

  • Interpreters for General Meeting Shareholders, BOD/BOC, internal meetings

  • Interpreters for exhibitions, seminars, training, audits, and business negotiations

  • Translation of technical documentation such as manual books for machinery, work instructions, MSDS, etc.

  • Translation of various contract documents, laws and regulations, company regulations, collective labor agreements, etc.

  • Translation of websites (Japanese, Bahasa Indonesia, English)


Translation is critically important to any organization wanting to connect with multilingual audiences. JAC Translation provides professional business translation, allowing you to expand your global reach. With more than 15 years of experience in business translation, our team of native experts provides seamless, professional services in accordance with your individual requirements.


The need for a smooth exchange of information in foreign languages has grown in tandem with the advance of globalization. JAC Translations provides accurate and high-level interpretation services tailored to your needs. With over 3,000 hours of interpretation delivered each year, we have a wide network of specialist interpreters who can help you communicate clearly and confidently in any environment.

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